Sage Sheffield

Our Director, Sheila, Announces Her Retirement

Reflecting on three years of growth and looking ahead to a new chapter for SAGE

“After 3 very happy years as SAGE Director, I have decided to retire in March 2025. I feel very confident to pass the baton on, as SAGE now has some future financial security.  With 3 years of half our core costs from Henry Smith; National Lottery funding for the coming year; and a regular donation for 3 years from Sheffield Town Trust. We have such a fantastic resource in our beautiful allotment, dedicated staff and volunteer team, an experienced board of trustees, and of course our fantastically supportive group members. 

SAGE now has the potential to reflect and plan for the future. The position of Director is a great opportunity for the right person to take the organisation forward. We will be advertising from January 6th, information will be available on the website, and on the VAS jobs page.”

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